Sunday, April 3, 2011

sete: them teeth...

"She's fucking eating him."

Movie 1: Primal (2010)
Starring: Zoe Tuckwell-Smith, Lindsay Farris and Krew Boylan
Dirrected by: Josh Reed

Netflix Summary: A wholesome outback adventure turns gruesome when one member of a group of friends on a camping trip takes an ill-advised dip that transforms a quiet night under the stars into a terrifying struggle for survival.

My Summary: Six beautiful young Australians friends go into the wilderness and encounter some weird ass virus that transforms them into monsters.

Story: I thought the story was pretty interesting. It was definitely not the kind of movie I was expecting it to be. I thought it would be more "The Hills Have Eyes-esque" with mutant wilderness people preying on the group, but it was more of a viral "Cabin Fever-esque" plot. The majority of the movie takes place in the woods and the main plot deals with a friend getting the virus and the effects of it. It gets weird near the end when they introduce another... uhh "creature?" and it's a little confusing, but the story was still enjoyable and fun to watch.

Characters: The movie starts off with the typical stereotyping of characters: the mysterious main girl, the leader who cares more about his work, the bitch friend and her weak boyfriend, the naive girl and the joker, but as the plot progresses, it loses the those stereotypes and the characters feel more real. The acting was well done and I ended up enjoying the characters and didn't find them unlikeable, even if some of them were total a-holes.

Horror Factor: There weren't any "jump out of your seat" moments, but the story did have that horror feel to it. Some moments felt a little comical, but I think that was all part of the style of the movie. This was a typical horror movie where a group of people are stuck in one place and they begin to die one by one.

Special Details: It had action scenes with moments of slow-mo in them and I really enjoyed that. There is a part in the movie that is totally disgusting and will make your jaw drop. Other than that, the special effects weren't anything life changing, but they were still on point.

Overall Rating: 6.5/10

Recommended if you like: Cabin Fever, The Descent, Australian accents



Super abbreviated plot summary (for those who don't want to watch the whole movie, but still want to know what happens):

  • Six friends (Anja, Dace, Mel, Chad, Warren and Kris) go camping in the wilderness.
  • Mel goes skinny dipping and catches a disease from the water.
  • The next morning, she finally loses it and becomes some creepy monster with sharp teeth and starts attacking the group.
  • Mel kills Warren by biting him.
  • Dace goes into the water and catches the same disease, becoming a monster.
  • Dace and Mel take Kris away into the tunnels.
  • The two remaining, Chad and Anja, fight Mel and Dace, leaving Chad and Dace both dead.
  • Anja ends up in the tunnel and finds Kris, alive, but delirious.
  • She discovers that Kris has been impregnated by the monster.
  • A weird giant slug monster with tentacles grab Anja, while Kris grab Anja's knife and cuts open her stomach to have an alien slug baby thing fall out.
  • The giant monster slams Kris against the wall, killing her.
  • Anja ends up escaping the monster and leaving the tunnel, but Mel comes from behind and attacks her.
  • Anja ends up killing Mel and surviving.

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